About this Artist
Dorian Wood is a multidisciplinary artist based in Los Angeles. Her intent of “infecting” spaces and ideologies with her artistic practice is born from a desire to challenge traditions and systems that contribute to the marginalization of people. Wood has performed at institutions that include The Broad, Smithsonian Design Museum, Museo Nacional Del Prado, the City Hall of Madrid and Teatro de la Ciudad Esperanza Iris. From 2019 to 2020, Wood toured with her chamber orchestra tribute to Chavela Vargas, XAVELA LUX AETERNA. In 2022, Wood debuted her tribute to the singer Lhasa De Sela, LHASA, at the Festival Internacional de Arte Sacro in Madrid. In 2023, Wood premiered Canto de Todes, a 12-hour composition and installation, at REDCAT. Wood is a recipient of the NALAC Fund for the Arts Grant, Creative Capital Award and the Art Matters Foundation grant, and is also a MacDowell fellow and a Loghaven fellow.
Photo credit: Laura Pardo Photography