Orpheus Over & Under
About this Piece
The final two works of the night show us where else Minimalism can go. David Lang (b. 1957), one of the three founding composers of New York-based Bang on a Can, is a generation after Riley, Reich, Glass, and other Minimalists. Lang's music is informed by rock as well as modernism, and contains elements of conceptualism. He and the other Bang on a Can members took Louis Andriessen's music as a model to move beyond. Orpheus Over and Under (1989) is a piece about the experience of loss, dedicated to Lang's mother. It is in two sections, an Aria and subsequent Chorale. Its Minimalism is not pulse-driven; instead, its architectural structure is Minimal. The entire piece is a layering of repeated notes between two pianos. Stunning and poignant, the piece's emotional intensity moves slowly, while rapid tremolos carry the performers through both movements.
- Jessie Rothwell is the Publications Coordinator for the Los Angeles Philharmonic. She also writes music, plays the oboe, and sings Bulgarian folk music.