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  • Aug. 26, 2002
  • NEW YORK, July 29, 2002 - The eight-city U.S. summer tour by Michael Feinstein and the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra has been postponed. The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra was engaged by U.S. promoters to participate in the tour of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Cleveland, Columbus, Detroit, Denver, Seattle and Chicago.

    "Reports that no security or insurance companies would get involved in the tour by Michael Feinstein and the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra are false," says Suzanne Ponsot, executive director of the American Friends of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra has its own security, and only one U.S. insurance company even expressed a doubt about additional insurance for the tour," she said.

    During its 67-year history, the Orchestra has fulfilled every one of its commitments, regardless of political climate or the venues where they are performing.

    As good as everyone's intentions were to make a statement and show solidarity for Israel, it was the decision of the promoters to postpone the tour to a later date.

    The U.S. tour was to have included selections from the new CD, "Michael Feinstein with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra." "The music is timeless, and will always be there," said Michael Feinstein.

    The Israel Philharmonic is next scheduled to visit the United States in January, 2003.

    People who purchased tickets should contact their local ticket sellers for refunds.


  • Contact:

    Linda Dozoretz/Allison Ravenscroft - 323 656 4499